Wednesday, September 11, 2013

My God-given, Bona_fide Miracle!

The weeks of the FIEL conference are always exciting times and one of the main things we always note is how many trying obstacles come up, and how God miraculously saves the day! Well, this year, I have my own story to share.

It was the third day into the conference and I was taking the last car from home to the conference site. With me I had our computer, the sound guy (Andrew), my dad's phone (which in his haste he had forgotten) and a couple of other important staff. And we were running late. Add that to the fact that we had no car key, and I'd say we got ourselves into a big, fat, mess. Yup. My dad took the original, and our motorist had the spare. And they were both on the other side of town.

I called my dad (that's when I found his phone) then through a round about way got the message to him that we were keyless and clueless. He told me to check his big key cupboard with literally hundreds of keys, but he wasn't hopeful- he didn't think we had a third set.

We looked anyway and I found one that looked like it could be the right key. We and all our materials piled into the Land-rover, and right before I stuck the key in the ignition I prayed one last time: “God, let this be the key! Please make the car start!” It entered, it turned, and the car roared to life! We made it there just in time before the breakfast rush.

Fast-forward 13 hours, it's the end of the day. We hop into the car to head for home. Only one problem. The key I had used that morning was not working. I pulled and tugged, but neither the wheel nor the key would budge. Thankfully, this time my dad was around, and so he gave it a try himself but nothing worked. It was late and we were tired, so he handed me his set (which worked perfectly) and said he'd check my key out later.

The next morning Dad told me the news... and guess what? The keys I had used that morning were not in any way, shape, or form, the right keys for our land rover.

I was speechless. Yes, I believe in miracles. Yes, I believe God will do marvellous things for His children. But this was a downright, bona_fide miracle-answer to my prayer.

I know some of you Debbie-downers and doubting Thomas' might say things such as- “Well, with an old engine, it is possible....” or “This has often been done before....”

And, granted, I am no mechanic, but here are the two things I know: That morning I prayed the car would start and it did, on the first try, without any problems. That evening, after several attempts, it wouldn't. Even if this stuff does happen occasionally, God's timing was unmistakable.

God gave me a bona_fide miracle...and there's no other way I see it! Alleluia!