Friday, April 22, 2011

Nazarite Vow (part 1)

Numbers 6 tells us about the Nazarite vow.
When you take this vow you have to 'separate yourself from wine or strong vinegar..or grapes, not even the seeds or the skin' (vr 3).  You may not have 'a razor touch your head' (vr 5). 'He shall not go near a dead body. Not even for his father, or his mother. For his brother or sister' (vr 6) 'And if a man dies very suddenly beside him' there is a long tedious process to get re-cleansed. And then, after all that, 'He shall bring his gift to the Lord' of all sorts of different animals and foods and where you make a burnt offering, a sin-offering and a peace offering. (vrs 13-20).
Now here comes the funny part: this vow was voluntary! Okay, so we all know that in old testament, the Israelites were always making sacrifices and 'going without' for the things they had done wrong, or because it was just  mandatory for them to do. But this? Voluntarily put yourself in this position where you have to watch what you eat and drink, where you are, who you're with, what you cut and don't cut. And then three different offerings to top it all. My question is..why? Why would anyone WANT to do this?
                     'And all the days of his separation, he is holy to the Lord.' (vr 8)
So, you're telling me that being considered holy in Gods eyes, is worth everything that they went through to get there? Oh yeah, that's what I'm saying.

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