At the Lord’s table yesterday morning we
read the passage Mathew 18: 16-23. This, this surely was the darkest hour on
earth. The death of our own God, by His own words are too
inadequate to describe how it must have been. I am sure in the minds of every
Christ-follower present was the aching question: “Where is God in all this?”
Where was He indeed. Everything the
disciples had placed their hope, future, trust and hearts in had shattered
around them.
The greatest tragedy on earth had taken
place. The darkest hour had come, punctuated
by Christ’s piercing cry: “Eloi, Eloi lama sabachthani?”
Surely it seemed like their God had
deserted them. How could He stand back and watch this happen to His own people
and to His own Son?
“Yet it was the will of the Lord to crush
Him.” Surely only God, the Master Architect, could carry out so terrible a task
and create so incredible an outcome. Soon this calamity would bring-about the
greatest Joy. Soon they would see God’s mighty hand at work. Soon He would
reveal the hidden picture of eternity’s weaving, and how beautiful it would be!
Everyday there is suffering- Natural
disasters, freak accidents, emotional distress, terminal illness. And everyday
someone cries: “Where is God in all this?”
But, Oh, the comfort in both knowing that
the greatest tragedy has past and
experiencing the eternal gift God has
given us because of it!
Just what miracles is our amazing God
planning to bring-about through our own festering wounds?
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