Wednesday, September 11, 2013

My God-given, Bona_fide Miracle!

The weeks of the FIEL conference are always exciting times and one of the main things we always note is how many trying obstacles come up, and how God miraculously saves the day! Well, this year, I have my own story to share.

It was the third day into the conference and I was taking the last car from home to the conference site. With me I had our computer, the sound guy (Andrew), my dad's phone (which in his haste he had forgotten) and a couple of other important staff. And we were running late. Add that to the fact that we had no car key, and I'd say we got ourselves into a big, fat, mess. Yup. My dad took the original, and our motorist had the spare. And they were both on the other side of town.

I called my dad (that's when I found his phone) then through a round about way got the message to him that we were keyless and clueless. He told me to check his big key cupboard with literally hundreds of keys, but he wasn't hopeful- he didn't think we had a third set.

We looked anyway and I found one that looked like it could be the right key. We and all our materials piled into the Land-rover, and right before I stuck the key in the ignition I prayed one last time: “God, let this be the key! Please make the car start!” It entered, it turned, and the car roared to life! We made it there just in time before the breakfast rush.

Fast-forward 13 hours, it's the end of the day. We hop into the car to head for home. Only one problem. The key I had used that morning was not working. I pulled and tugged, but neither the wheel nor the key would budge. Thankfully, this time my dad was around, and so he gave it a try himself but nothing worked. It was late and we were tired, so he handed me his set (which worked perfectly) and said he'd check my key out later.

The next morning Dad told me the news... and guess what? The keys I had used that morning were not in any way, shape, or form, the right keys for our land rover.

I was speechless. Yes, I believe in miracles. Yes, I believe God will do marvellous things for His children. But this was a downright, bona_fide miracle-answer to my prayer.

I know some of you Debbie-downers and doubting Thomas' might say things such as- “Well, with an old engine, it is possible....” or “This has often been done before....”

And, granted, I am no mechanic, but here are the two things I know: That morning I prayed the car would start and it did, on the first try, without any problems. That evening, after several attempts, it wouldn't. Even if this stuff does happen occasionally, God's timing was unmistakable.

God gave me a bona_fide miracle...and there's no other way I see it! Alleluia!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A Thread in the Weaving

I want to share to the world - my readers- how God has recently encouraged me.

A couple of years ago I had the huge privilege of helping out at a Rescue Mission. I wrote a blog-post about it (Give Him your future and He will use your past), which just shows God's amazing sovereignty and mastermind! If you haven't read the first post, it tells about a couple of the times I went to the Rescue Mission and specific encounters I had with two brothers and their family.

For some reason out of everyone I met there, out of all the people I met throughout furlough, that family always was on my heart. When I started my prayer cards (motivated by them, actually) they were first on my list.

I lost that prayer card. I haven't been back to the rescue mission for two years. I haven't heard from, or even about them, since that January in 2012. And yet God has never let me forget. I prayed for them both by name. But even as I prayed, I always assumed I would never know if God was answering my prayers.

A couple weeks ago Mr. D from the Grace Missions board came out to visit. He is very much involved at the Rescue Mission and he actually provided ways for me to be a part of it. In telling news about the Rescue Mission he said that a couple of the guys, who have already been through the 9 month program, were actually attending our home church now, and one of them was considering membership there.... And just you try and guess who he was talking about!

YES! The very same family God had put in my heart. Out of all the guys at the Mission, the very two I had been praying for were the ones God placed in our home-church, and who Mr. D had seen grow and develop in Christ.

You can not imagine how encouraged that made me- not only was God answering my prayers, but He was inspiring them, too!

Of course I know that God would have fortified and strengthened those brothers even if I had stayed quiet...but that fact that God allowed me to be a part of this wonderful story, just blew me away. And, oh, how gracious He was to show me what He had planned all along.
As I ended my other blog-post:

Praise be to Him, hallelujah!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Friendship Pledge

I've been thinking a lot about friendship recently. What a beautiful thing it can be. What a beautiful gift it is from God. And yet we often abuse it. If we could love, un-selfishly, as Christ loves, how much stronger and purer and beautiful would our friendships be?
With this in mind, I wrote out what I call my Friendship Pledge. Basically, what it truly means to be a Friend like Christ. 
I'm worried, though, because I know I don't have it in me. Yes, my DESIRE is there- to be THIS kind of friend, to love like Christ- but this is not something you can drum up within yourself. And so before I (personally) sign my name to this for my individual friends, I want to take time to pray. Really pray, that God would enable me to love like Christ.

Friendship Pledge
My duty to You, my Friend

My Love for you will be constant, beyond any temporary circumstance or emotion. I will ‘bear all things,’ loving you, regardless. Regardless of myself. Regardless of thoughtless words, or actions. Regardless of hurt feelings or little squabbles. I will love unconditionally, as Christ has loved me.

My Love for you will be prayerful. I recognize the greatest help I can give you is to bring You before our Father. To pray daily for your strength, encouragement, peace and growth.

My Love for you will be complete, not restricted to one part. I will care for the well-being of your body, mind and spirit. I will embrace you in your joy, in your pain, in your anger, in your sorrow. I will laugh when you laugh, weep when you weep.

My Love for you will be unrestrained. To love in abandon, not fearing hurt or pain. To love fully, purely. I will not hold back on account of selfish vulnerability.

My Love for you will be Trusting. I will trust your hands, in the way you trust mine. I will turn away from any slander or mis-use of your name. I will not be quick to doubt, judge, condemn, but will ‘hope all things’.

My Love for you will play the background. It will not be a showy love, or demanding of your time and attention. But it will always be there. A platform to stand on, to lean on, to fall on. I will be the supporting role, the color that brings out your eyes, the music that enhances your entrance.

My Love for you will be Truth. I will not just look for your happiness, but for your well-being.  To say ‘no’ or shout ‘yes’ honestly in every situation. To advise, council and guide in humility as the need arises.

My Love for you will be Sacrificial. To go the extra mile, the giving of the cloak, and to do so joyfully. To receive the late night calls, to endure the cold rain, to die daily to self, so that you may be comforted, safe, and thriving.

To remain above all, faithful and steadfast in Love.

With the Help of the Holy Spirit I pray these things, in Jesus name


Sunday, February 17, 2013

Gold from Ashes

At the Lord’s table yesterday morning we read the passage Mathew 18: 16-23. This, this surely was the darkest hour on earth. The death of our own God, by His own words are too inadequate to describe how it must have been. I am sure in the minds of every Christ-follower present was the aching question: “Where is God in all this?”

Where was He indeed. Everything the disciples had placed their hope, future, trust and hearts in had shattered around them.
The greatest tragedy on earth had taken place. The darkest hour had come, punctuated  by Christ’s piercing cry: “Eloi, Eloi lama sabachthani?
Surely it seemed like their God had deserted them. How could He stand back and watch this happen to His own people and to His own Son?

“Yet it was the will of the Lord to crush Him.” Surely only God, the Master Architect, could carry out so terrible a task and create so incredible an outcome. Soon this calamity would bring-about the greatest Joy. Soon they would see God’s mighty hand at work. Soon He would reveal the hidden picture of eternity’s weaving, and how beautiful it would be!

Everyday there is suffering- Natural disasters, freak accidents, emotional distress, terminal illness. And everyday someone cries: “Where is God in all this?”

But, Oh, the comfort in both knowing that the greatest tragedy has past and experiencing the eternal gift God has given us because of it!

Just what miracles is our amazing God planning to bring-about through our own festering wounds?

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Days like Daisy's

Today I heard the story of a precious little princess, whose name is Daisy.

3 years ago a Day like Daisy's would be one full of adventure, learning, love, and so much joy. What else could it be for a five year old girl growing up in California? If you were to ask her what she wanted to be she'd answer with: "An astronaut..or a Warrior for God!"

Little did she know that in a few weeks she would be a warrior- fighting death, and clinging to God for life.

Today, a Day like Daisy's would be filled with chemo, doubt, pain, tears...and prayer, hope, faith. A day like Daisy' can anyone of us imagine?

Because today, Daisy is fighting cancer for the third time. Twice she has thought it was over, God had given them victory, and three times they have heard that they must enter the battle yet again.

But do they give up, retreat or surrender? No. Clinging to God as their Captain, and the One who is "The Victorious Warrior," their "Stronghold in the day of trouble", they fight.

And as they fight they realize, that God is not only their Warrior...but He is their Healer....their Comforter. Their Father.

In a Day like Daisy's all one can do is hold on to today, because in a Day like Daisy's tomorrow is uncertain.
In a Day like Daisy's all one can do is stand on God, because in a Day like Daisy's all else has fallen away.

What lessons would I learn if God gave me a life like Daisy's? What truths would be revealed if God gave me a life like Daisy's? What Joy would I cling to if God gave me a life like Daisy's?

Or, even....even just a Day like Daisy's?

Be still, my soul: the Lord is on thy side.
Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain.
Leave to thy God to order and provide;
In every change, He faithful will remain.
Be still, my soul: thy best, thy heavenly Friend
Through thorny ways leads to a joyful end.

Be still, my soul: thy God doth undertake
To guide the future, as He has the past.
Thy hope, thy confidence let nothing shake;
All now mysterious shall be bright at last.
Be still, my soul: the waves and winds still know
His voice Who ruled them while He dwelt below.

To hear the full story:

Thursday, January 3, 2013

2013 Resolutions...To Whom it May Concern

New Years has come and I'm still running around trying to get my resolutions and ambitions set. I thought a good way to be help keep me accountable is to post it on my blog for the World (you) to see..instead of scribbling in tiny letters in a tiny notebook to be stuffed into a tiny drawer.

So, Ahem, I present to you my 2013 Resolutions (as they stand today)

Each Month:
 1) First, the thing I'm most excited about and determined to do is a Reading list I put together. A friend recommend a book to me, and as I was going through my dad's shelves to find it I kept coming across so many books that I had never seen before. Thus, the List came about to be... Here it is:
   Spiritual Secret (1/3 of the way through!)
   The Joy of Fearing God
   The Soul-winners Fire
   Power through Prayer
   Sovereignty of God
   Not My Will
   Pursuit of God
   Attributes of God
   Loving God with all Your Mind
   Signs of the Spirit
   5 Points of Calvinism
   Created to be His Help-meet
 2) Draw a portrait
 3) Read through Proverbs

Each week: 
 1) Write in the Future Notebook
 2) Specific prayer day for Mosite

Each Day:
 1) Laugh for a minute
 2) Iron chair for a minute
 3) 50 sit-ups
 4) Arm wrestle (hahaha, yes. ;))

 1) Finish High-school (yeessss)
 2) Get fit (Aha, yes, it did slip in there again!)
 3) Write music
 4) Discover Classical Music
 5) Learn how to cook one killa meal from different cuisines

And of course those Spiritual attributes:
 1) Pray without ceasing
 2) Daily sacrifice self to God
 3) Love, Love, Love
 4) Serve a) God and b) others
 5) Ponder before speaking
 6) Witness like the World's on fire

 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be [the] glory.... Amen